tech support for new york businesses

Cyber attacks are most often blamed on malicious outside sources. Hackers will attempt to break into computer networks and steal confidential corporate data. However, the lack of security knowledge or unintentional carelessness of a company’s employees sometimes leaves the door ajar and enables these cyber criminals to squeeze through the opening.

As well as obtaining some tech support for your New York business, the following are some sensible steps you can put in place to increase your company’s network security.

Discuss the Security Problem

You probably require your employees to read and sign a document outlining your firm’s IT policies. However, this is not enough – you also need to involve them by talking about the possibility of a cyber event and emphasizing the negative effects this will have on your organization’s operations.

Don’t Leave Out Top Management

Executives who travel a lot and use free hotel Wi-Fi can be targeted by cyber “pirates,” with possible big rewards to the perpetrators.

Set Up Training Sessions

All new personnel should be required to receive training in network security, and all employees should participate in refresher courses.

Don’t Discourage

Never get annoyed with an employee who puts up a red flag which turns out to be a false alarm. The individual will be hesitant to speak up on a subsequent occasion when the problem might be a real cyber attack.

Institute Procedures

Employees need step-by-step instructions on how to react if they believe they have discovered a cyber event. You should also have a plan relating to internal communications and public relations.


You must protect your computer network from infiltration by malware and cyber criminals. Our technical expertise can help protect your New York business from inside and outside sources.

Contact us to see how we can help you.

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