AE Technology Becomes Proud Member of the MSPAlliance
Yesterday AE Technology Group was admitted into the MSPAlliance, a prestigious organization of managed services providers who focus on building a community of trusted and certified companies around the world. Each member agrees to follow a strict code of ethics giving you, the Business Consumer, the confidence to know you are working with a qualified and […]
Internet Explorer Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
On April 26th, 2014 Microsoft became aware of an attempt to exploit a vulnerability in Internet Explorer versions 6 through 11. This is a remote code execution vulnerability that could allow an attacker to execute an arbitrary code through the Internet Explorer web browser on your PC. While Microsoft works to patch this exploit AE […]
Cisco Global Study: Cloud network migration / mobile security key concerns among IT decision-makers
The process of ordering new IT services is evolving away from those common methods used in the past, where IT decisions and purchase orders started at the top of the company pyramid. Today, the shift in planning and control of IT purchases is being driven by departmental needs. Does HR see a more efficient and […]
Information Technology Salary: Those Starting Out Will Get a Pay Increase in Top IT Fields
If you’ve been wondering what information technology salaries have been lately, it’s been fairly consistent that the higher end fields pay very well. But what about those just starting out in the IT field? There’s is a notion that those starting in particular IT fields don’t get paid all that well while doing very tiring work. The […]
When Will Windows XP Support End? And What Do I Do Now?
Since Microsoft released Windows Vista / 7 and Windows 8 operating systems, help for issues with XP have already begun to dwindle. Updates are not as frequent and drivers users need to run new programs are not being developed or released by Microsoft. Microsoft is trying to keep up with Mac and Linux systems and […]