Streaming Technology and How it Works
Streaming is everywhere, and everyone in some capacity is using streaming technology daily. Whether streaming your favorite movies through Netflix, watching live performances, or listening to music through Spotify, it’s hard to imagine life without streaming. Streaming platforms changed how we consume and create content powered by cloud services. Streaming continues to improve year over […]
A Quick Look at Google Workspace
There are a ton of productivity suites out there, the most common being Microsoft Office. However, Google Workspace is rising in popularity among business owners for its countless benefits and resources. Interested in how Google Workspace operates and if it’s right for your business? Keep reading! Google Workspace’s main advantage over the competitors is that […]
CRM Offers Businesses Valuable Functionality
Customer relationship management is an essential operation for any business to convert leads to customers, maintain customer satisfaction, and increase the rate of returning customers. To make these processes more efficient, CRM platforms offer tracking and automation CRM features that take burden off of your employees and increase the functionality of your business operations. Let’s […]
3 Simple Problems That Cause A Slow Computer
Sometimes you might experience a slow computer and wonder when it’s time to call in the experts. After all, you don’t know how much you might break your budget, right? Depending on the issue, you might be able to resolve it yourself. We’ve put together three of the most common computer repair scenarios that […]
Ransom + Software = Ransomware: How to Prevent Data Hostages
The word ransom conjures images of true crime documentaries and ski mask clad villains holding your data hostage in cyberspace. In fact, the term “ransomware” is combination of the words ransom and software. This type of cyberattack typically operates by phishing scams, using malicious email links and attachments or drive-by downloading to gain access to […]