Business Owners 12x More Likely to Be a Cyber Security Target Here’s What You Can Do About It
As a business owner or operator, it is up to you to protect yourself and your employees from cyber attacks. Unfortunately, many small business owners either underestimate the damage a cyber attack can cause or fail to take the proper steps to protect themselves. Below is a look at some reasons why business owners are […]
Tips on Purchasing Computers for Your Small Business – Computer Tip of The Day
For most modern businesses, their office’s computers are their most valuable tool, and having quality, high-speed computers can help to boost productivity. However, due to the vital role computers play in most offices, it can be daunting for small business owners to choose new computers when it comes time to replace their current units. With […]
How Can You Protect Your Business Data During Logins?
The more inconvenient you can make it for would-be criminals to get your business and customer data, the less likely they are to try. Unless they are specifically targeting your business, there is almost always lower hanging fruit. Here’s how to tighten security with just a few simple changes: Have two-step password recovery or logins. […]
What Are Managed Services for New York Businesses?
If you are new to owning a business or perhaps have just never considered using IT services you are missing out on a service that could make the operations of your business run a lot more smoothly. AE Technology Group offers managed services to New York and Long Islands businesses. We specialized in providing services to […]
Cybersecurity for Business: Here’s How to Secure Your Technology Now!
No matter what size business you run, adequate cybersecurity for business is likely at the top of your to do list this year. Cyber-criminals are targeting both small businesses and large businesses alike. Cybersecurity for business In addition, most people don’t realize that what’s attracting cyber-criminals to their targets is, Simple and unprotected entry points, […]