How Managed IT Services Can Help You With Multitasking

multitasking businessman in a suit, juggling a mug, magnifying glass, papers, and phone.

The definition of multitasking is the performance of more than one task at the same time. The brain must rapidly switch between task to task. Depending on how many tasks you’re trying to accomplish and how difficult those tasks are, the less effectively the brain can switch between them, resulting in a possible decrease in […]

Your Business Can Benefit from RICE Prioritization Framework

businessman working on a laptop, surrounded by digital icons symbolizing automation and efficiency.

You may have heard of the RICE prioritization framework for developing new products, but we believe that it can be applied to not just products, but also to services and even project implementation practices. What is this framework, and how can you use it when developing new ideas for your business? What Does the RICE […]

Implementing the Best Technology Solutions for Your Business

business professional using a tablet at a modern desk in an urban office setting.

Technology is one of those parts of your operational infrastructure that plays a massive role, even if you don’t realize it. For quite some time, you’ve been using all of the standard fares for business technology, such as computers, server units, and networking components. All technology solutions for your business must eventually be replaced, so […]

Working Together, Apart: The Office Guide to Social Distancing

bold green tiles spelling social distancing on a warm wooden surface.

As many companies move into the next stage of a phased reopening plan, it’s an exciting time to get the team back together and return to business as usual. In the wake of COVID-19 and the new normal, use our office guide to social distancing to adapt, excel, and succeed together. AE Technology Group is […]

The Modern Workplace and How Technology Has Affected It

man in a suit collaborates online, blending technology and teamwork in a modern workspace.

Throughout history, technology has continuously modified the way employees across every industry do their work. Not long ago, companies were in the mess of numerous paperwork. Heavy expenses were incurred so as to reach customers, memos had to be released and posted on notice boards, as well as numerous meetings in rooms. Nevertheless, technology has […]

AE Technology Group logo showcasing innovation with a modern design and the slogan WORK SMARTER.

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