What is Data Poisoning, and Why Does it Matter?

a person in a hoodie using a laptop in the dark

While artificial intelligence and machine learning both offer many benefits to business owners and individuals, there are always risks when adding new technology to your workplace. Although technology can help to automate your business and save you money in the long run, data poisoning is something you need to be aware of when implementing new technology. Keep reading as we discover what data poisoning is and why you need to be aware of this risk.

Data Poisoning – What Is It?

When hackers tamper with any machine learning training data, this is what we are referring to when we use the term data poisoning. It’s very similar to other issues such as malware, where someone is hoping to attack your business. The aim of data poisoning is to gain access to the machine learning database, so that incorrect and misleading information is left for the system to learn from. This results in artificial intelligence conclusions which could be detrimental to your future business operations.

You’ll find that there are two different types of data poisoning attacks. The first works to attack the availability of the data that can be read, which is a simpler process for hackers. They just aim to add as much bad data into your database as they possibly can. On the other hand, other attacks will target the works of your database, allowing the system to be manipulated. Both of these types of attacks mean even the most complex machine learning system is useless for your business.

Why Should You Be Concerned About Data Poisoning?

More and more businesses are using artificial intelligence and machine learning in their daily processes. This means that your business is left in the hands of your systems, so when the data is corrupted, there will be more issues in your workplace. 

Many of these systems are still in their very early days, but as data continues to progress and they become more complex, even the smallest of changes could make your system completely useless. With the help of technology, we can work to simplify our business processes, but cybercriminals are doing all that they can to stop this technology from being beneficial to companies around the world.

Protecting Yourself From Data Poisoning

The good news is that there are ways you can protect any database from future issues. Good cybersecurity will help to protect AI and ML databases, stopping them from being corrupted. Make sure you also update your software on a regular basis and keep training your employees so that they are confident in protecting your workplace.

Our team is here to support you with your data security and ensure that you aren’t a victim of data poisoning in the future. Contact us today to discuss any concerns you have about protecting your databases or to learn how we can help you to have your most successful year yet by implementing new technology in your workplace.

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The Raspberry Robin Worm

a man sitting in front of a laptop computer

Utilizing storage devices, such as USB drives, has been known to spread malware from one device to another. Recent analyses found an imminent threat, known as the Raspberry Robin worm, is currently developing. What is it and how can you keep yourself and your company safe from attacks?

What is Raspberry Robin?

Raspberry Robin is a worm that was initially discovered in Europe in September 2021 by cybersecurity intelligence analysts at Red Canary. It was found to primarily affect users of Windows-operating systems.

What exactly does Raspberry Robin do?

When an infected USB drive is inserted into a computer, the device will display an infected .LNK file. A msiexec process is then started through the command prompt. A .BAT file has two commands that can be executed. One command can manage various Windows features and the other command can configure Open Database Connectivity. The combination of the two will make the threat difficult to locate on the network as it remains hidden.

The Raspberry Robin infection process was found to escalate further where compromised QNAP NAS (Network-Attached Storage) devices are also affected. During this stage, the hacker is able to retrieve the victim’s user and device names, using HTTP requests, once the .LNK file is downloaded. From the infected QNAP device, the malware then utilizes a malicious DLL (Dynamic-Link Library) in order to gain access and take control over the entire system.

How does Raspberry Robin spread?

Although it is understood that Raspberry Robin spreads via compromised USB drives, it’s unclear how it spreads from device to device.

What are hackers looking for?

Unfortunately, like most malware that are in its initial stages of development, there is not much known about Raspberry Robin. More research is required to determine its spreadability and the intention hackers may have when creating this worm. Although it is currently unknown, it is suspected that hackers developed this attack with the intent to steal data and/or install additional viruses on infected devices.

The Final Takeaway

To keep yourself and your business safe from Raspberry Robin is to treat all USB devices with intense scrutiny. This includes eliminating inserting USB drives that do not belong to you or USB devices that might have been found lying around on the ground. It is important to remember that USB drives may not look suspicious from the outside but inside, it can be compromised. Always think twice before plugging in any unknown devices on your computers. 

AE Technology Group can help your organization keep itself protected from the various and growing threats out there, including this Raspberry Robin worm. Although we’re unable to physically stop your team from inserting potentially infected USB devices, we can provide further education, including the dangers of doing so, as well as training for employees. In addition, we will continuously track your network environment for possible threats. To learn more about how we can keep your business safe, please contact us at (516) 536-5006.