IT Support: How a Conflict of Interest Affects IT Expenses

professionals collaborating in a server room, analyzing data on a laptop amidst server racks.

  There’s often a conflict of interest when it comes to IT-related purchases. In the end, it all comes down to who’s making the decision and what he or she values to be the most important. Sometimes this isn’t the best option for the entire company. IT spending should be left to IT teams. They […]

Picking the Right IT Support and Solutions Provider for Small Medium Business

woman celebrating success at work, showcasing joy and professionalism in a dynamic office environment.

Having good small medium business it support and solutions is important if you want to ensure that your company’s information technology needs are satisfactorily met. But with all the IT solutions providers out there, picking the one for the job can sometimes be difficult. So how do you choose a solutions provider for your business operations? Understanding […]

Start Your Relationship with Outsourced IT New York

modern call center teamwork with professionals collaborating efficiently in a bright workspace.

For years, small to medium sized businesses thought of IT management as something that only large corporations needed. However, increasingly, smaller companies are starting to realize why professional IT management is something that every business needs. In fact, in today’s technological climate, you could suffer great financial losses if you go without IT management. Modern […]

AE Technology Group logo showcasing innovation with a modern design and the slogan WORK SMARTER.

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