With outsourced IT, disaster recovery can be both comprehensively planned for and successfully implemented when you need it most. The first step to successful disaster aversion and recovery is having a continuity plan in place before disaster strikes.
Keeping communication lines open and accessible both during and after a disaster can mean the difference between a catastrophic loss and a healthy recovery. In your continuity plan, there should be specific instructions on how to regain or maintain communications even if your key staff members cannot reach your facility.
Mobile solutions such as hosted VoIP can remedy communication problems after a disaster. Allowing staff to communicate using the same platforms, application, and features they use everyday.
In addition to re-establishing communications, your continuity plan should include both local and remote data server information back up. On-site or local back up can come in handy, especially when your servers fail or during a security breach.
This type of back up system can be accessed on site and get your business moving again almost immediately.
Remote data back up systems store your information securely at a different location. Remote back up is most important when your facility is either inaccessible or compromised. This type of back up can allow authorized users to access and download vital business data from any location, thus allowing business to continue even after a catastrophic event.
If you are interested in putting together your technology business plan, and learning more about our disaster recovery solutions, please contact us here at AE Technology Group.
Our technology business plan and disaster recovery consultants can help you devise a continuity plan that can keep your business up and running 24/7/365.